on 6/26/03 6:46 AM Santiago Gala wrote:

> Stefano Mazzocchi escribió:
>>on 6/24/03 6:59 AM Dirk-Willem van Gulik wrote:
>>>>I think that we have multiple subcultures under the ASF umbrella, due to
>>>>the way that the umbrella projects were formed.  Whether you like that
>>>>or not, I think that is the reality.  I know that I personally would
>>>And I think that is a healty thing. It makes us more resiliant and self
>>>supporting in a changing world. I certainly do not thing that 'enforcing'
>>>the patterns of 'httpd' are a good idea.
>>I agree, also because I'm not so sure that the patterns of "httpd" are
>>necessarely the best ones. I believe that the java.apache.org-originated
>>culture of a lower bar for committership created the explosive growth of
>>jakarta and xml. Something that the HTTPd culture fails to identify as a
>>value, but it might well be from a purely darwinistical perspective,
>>because it allows more noise and mutations to enter the system, thus
>>improving the ability to adapt to environmental changes.
> This, I think, is the other side of WORA at work. Your criticism of it 
> does not show that WORA (or, really, the Java VM architecture) allows 
> for a lot more safety to experiment than native architectures.
> I still feel shocked when I (rarely) see a JavaVM crash with a seg fault 
> (out of memory always, maybe some beta JDK at times). The safety of the 
> JavaVM contrasts a lot with the dangers of C/C++ environments, and makes 
> it compelling to write a java alternative even when good native 
> libraries do exist. This is the viral character of it. 

Hey, don't forget that, despite my criticism on the java monoculture, I
remain a java fan. I just opened up my views to other languages
(expecially scripting ones) since I think that java falls short in many

> I wonder is 
> "parrot" will do the same for perl/python/ruby.

uh? wasn't "parrot" an april's fool joke?


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