On Sun, 17 Aug 2003 01:13:02 +0200
Erik Abele <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Ah!  It sounds as if other people aren't aware of the background and
> > original intent.  From what you are saying, announce@apache.org should 
> > be
> > subscribed to announce@<tlp>.apache.org.  That way announcements would
> > automatically funnel to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Ahh, this sounds great and this should be the use of 
> announce@apache.org, IMHO. Now how can we do that... at first we'll 
> need a list of all the announcement lists, so that some friendly person 
> from the apmail group can do the required magic to get this done 
> (assumed there are no objections, and I can't think of one :) ).
> Okay, please add to the list:


I am afraid this will cause the *endless* loop.

Rather, how about appending "announce@apache.org"
to /home/apmail/.qmail-jakarta-announcements file etc.??
(/home/apmail/lists/(tlp).apache.org/announcements/editor files??)


-- Tetsuya ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Tetsuya Kitahata --  Terra-International, Inc.

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