On 24/9/03 18:23, "Dirk-Willem van Gulik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wed, 24 Sep 2003, Sander Temme wrote:
>>> i like the idea of having them during sessions.  diversity is good,
>>> and since it's so free-format, and the same gurus can come back
>>> (bwb -- bribed with beer) for encores, i think it's a win.
>> You mean... there will be a keg behind the table? I'm in!
> I can see a drinking game here - if the guru gets it wrong (apctl
> configtest is your friend) - he gets to drinks at least a pint - if he
> gets it wright - the hapless questioneer drings half a pint.

The "drinking game" would be the only possible way in which I could
favorably see the "guru" figure officially presented at ApacheCON...

In my opinion the key idea of the ASF is to push the idea of the different
communities behind a project. I can't count how many times I heard on our
lists that a project can be considered "mature" only when the original
author left and someone else in the community picked up the "leading" role
in the development.

Pushing the idea of a "guru" (IMVHO) is exactly the opposite of pushing the
idea of a community. It's a single individual over the bazillion of people
behind this or that project, and I wouldn't want it to be seen as a
"serious" figure promoted by the foundation...

If (instead) the "guru" had to drink for every mistake he makes, please sign
me on for one of those "Guru T-Shirt": I'm ready to give all the wrong
answers required to get me utterly drunk!!! :-)

    Pier (beeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrr)

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