> Sigh.

Sorry to hear that..

> Ok, this is a little late, but...
> Before I read this thread, I put a link to the Gump feed in the sidebar
> for Planet Apache.

I think there was a lot of  miscommunication (with thoughts passing like
ships in the night) as threads occured on blogs, on PlanetApache,  on
personal blog comments, on mailing lists. I got defensive at the 'rudeness'
of removing something w/o communicating, and now I see it was communicated,
it was the right thing to do, and that I goofed w/ Gump.

A storm in a tea cup came up over a simple mistake, which was compounded by
how this new medium challenged various preconceptions (about where the
thread really 'was'.) Perhaps the serendipity is that we've learn that
communications channels are changing, simultaneously decentralizing and with
peronal "parrellel universes". Lots of simultaneous cross pollinating
conversations, w/o too much unwanted cross chatter. It'll take us all a
while to see if we can adapt to this, and "virtual threads"...

Perhaps the likes of PlanetApache and Technorati
(http://www.intertwingly.net/blog/1701.html) are guides, the buddy tapping
you on the shoulder in quieter moments saying "hey, you catch what Fred over
there said? You'd want to hear that..."?

BTW: Remove the Gump link, if you feel it is right to -- or causes folks
angst, I won't get funny about it & appreciated the gesture.

> I also regard a lot of what we are doing with Planet as an experiment,

Yup, and it is a healthy experiment, sorry for the hiccup...

> so I expect that we will try a bunch of things and change our minds
> (perhaps multiple times).   I hope that either Thom or I will get the
> code base for Planet checked into the planet CVS soon, so that we can
> start some additional experiments with it.  I see possible connections
> to some of the things Stefano has done in the past with Agora, and
> there's certainly a tie in with krell.

Amusingly I'd being toying w/ ideas of using Gump's project
interdependencies in a social network setting, maybe I just need to listen
to those you mention above. It is an interesting space.



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