Hi Don,

>I know of players who thought Go might be an interesting game, but
>gave up quickly when they realized they could never play by Japanese

I am not saying the opposite, and again, I think the ideal rules for
computer championships today are Chinese, but without penalizing
pass moves.

>It's been said that if Alien beings ever contacted us, it's likely
>they would be GO players due to the simplicity of the rules.

Let me use your SF argument to explain what I call "natural
evolution": In The Beginning, Martians, just like Earthlings, use
Chinese rules. Those who want to improve, count during the
game, not after every move, but many times. They count
komi +/- territory +/- the stones. With time, players find
counting the stones annoying and pointless since only the
difference in captures has to be considered and that does
not need to be counted, it can be added to komi. They
also naturally recognize which groups are worth defending
and which are not. Without noticing, they have become
Japanese players.


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