On Sun, 2007-03-25 at 15:22 -0400, John Tromp wrote:
> On 3/19/07, Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm testing a future Anchor player for CGOS.  I am calling
> > it FAT for Future Anchor Test!
> >
> > It plays fixed depth and I pre-calculated what level to make
> > it play at 1800 strength.  I came pretty close,  Fat-25 is
> > playing at 1836 at the moment and doesn't require too much
> > CPU power.   It's Lazarus scaled down to play fast.
> Isn't AnchorMan a program that plays pure MC with uniformly random
> (unbiased except for eyeflll) moves?

Yes, exactly.   AnchorMan does exactly 5000 play-outs before making
a move.   When I say the level is fixed - what I really meant was
that it is set to 5000 and is not based on the clock or the 
power of the computer it runs on.  

I can't say AnchorMan does nothing fancy though.  It's not "pure"
because there are minor bonuses and penalties "superimposed" on
certain moves in order to encourage/discourage correct play.  In
my testing it is worth quite a bit.    For instance, if a move
is self-atari and most of the play-outs indicate that the point
under consideration will end up belong to the opponent,  I have
a fairly strong anti-move incentive.   I apply a fixed penalty
to the score that move would normally recieve.    

> Then it would be good to have as 2nd anchor a program that plays
> pure UCT with pure MC and nothing fancy.

I have a version of Lazarus that represents such a creature.  I think
it plays about 1700-1720 on CGOS.   The play-outs are unformly 
random except for eye-filling moves and it is UCT.   I could even 
publish the algorithm in pseduo code so that it could be duplicated
exactly without ambiguity.     However, to play that strong it would
not be a low resource program.   

That's why I constructed Fat to play at 1800 and it can make the 
time-control on a fairly slow computer (it takes a total of about  
1 minute of time on my core 2 duo.)

The problem is where to run an Anchor?   I don't want to dedicate my
own computer to running an Anchor 24/7.   The current Anchor on CGOS
actually runs on the same machine that is the server.   But it sucks
very few cpu cycles.   A stronger Anchor, even FAT uses quite a bit more
resources - and I want to be a good boardspace citizen - I won't run 
a strong Anchor directly on the server machine.   

> If parameters like #simulations and exploration coefficient are fixed,
> then people can test their own implementations by seeing if they can
> closely match this UCT anchor in rating.

Yes, it's a good way to test your implementation and a good idea.

> I'm assuming here that it wouldn't take that much computing power to
> make such a program play at an 1800 rating.

Fat is playing about 1800 and as I mentioned, it doesn't take much
computing power but it uses heavy play-outs.  That makes it fairly
complicated to describe.    A 1700 version of Lazarus with the 
lighter simpler algorithm is easy to describe but uses more 
resources.   In either case, I will have to get someone as a 
volunteer to run this Anchor and my idea is to have 2 or 3
copies so that no single person has to run it continuously.  

I am willing to consider other anchor possibilites, if someone
want to donate their binary and thinks it would be a good
reference program.   

- Don

> regards,
> -John

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