The 19x19 is serving games right now and is up and running.
Here are some temporary instructions on getting going until
I fix things up a bit:

  1.  You must modify the tcl engine client slightly:

      1.1  Server is the same  (
      1.2  Port is 6819 (instead of 6867 for the 9x9 server.)

      This requires a single line change to line 3 of the
      the cgos3.tcl script:

          set port   6819

  2.  This is an undocumented feature, but the current cgosview 
      can be used by invoking it like this:
         cgosview 6819


         tclkit cgosview.kit 6819

        all depending on which version you have.

        Earlier versions of cgosview do not support this,
        but version 0.32 does (you will see the version
        number in upper right hand corner of a game 
        being viewed.)

  3.  The web pages need some fixing up - but you can see the
       current standings here:

I'll try to make a nicer way to make the clients more flexible about
choosing the appropriate servers and ports, perhaps with configuration
file.   I don't really understand the best way to do this in Windows,
but in linux I would use standard practices, a command line option to
point to a config file,  and a default config file in ~/.cgos.cfg

- Don


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