So, with these exchanges and just a little more thought, the part
of "The Alternating Rule" that is in red:
        The first player who cannot put down a stone without
        breaking a rule loses the game
is not the way the game would actually be played. It would be more
accurate to add something about choosing not to add another stone,
which would cover the decision not to fill one of your own last eyes.


On 26, Jul 2007, at 9:12 PM, David Doshay wrote:

The "2 points per living group" comes from the fact that in order
to avoid loosing, one plays into one's own territory until down to
2 eyes. While legal to fill one, that leads to capture, so it won't be
done. As you say, there is no other counting needed because the
smaller territory fills first.


On 26, Jul 2007, at 8:25 PM, terry mcintyre wrote:

Where does the two-point penalty come from? It's not directly stated in the rules, so presumably it emerges from the four simple rules.

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