I think we already had that discussion once...

These rules completely screw up the notion of territory, as e.g. three single 
points are better than one three-point-block.

My proposal would be a fifth rule that instead of moving you are allowed to 
return one prisoner.
But then, you could as well just allow passes and use (only) stone counting...

> At 07:05 PM 7/26/2007, you wrote:
>> What is the difference in Go and Mathematical Go?
>> http://brooklyngoclub.org/jc/rulesgo.html
>> Is Mathamatical Go a subset of Go as the rules look the same to me as
>> regular go.
> not sure. but i belive that the last rule needs to be qualified with the 
> statement that the numbers of captured stones must be the same.
> thanks
> ---
> vice-chair http://ocjug.org/
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