On Mon, 2007-09-10 at 10:34 +0200, Sylvain Gelly wrote:
> > I'm a little confused.   If I operate with no parameters it works ok,
> No parameters means --19
> > but if I do ./mogo --7  (for instance) it goes into some kind of 
> > self-training mode.
> Did you see a --7 option on the manual? :-p

It doesn't matter - if I do --19 the same behavior,  I can not longer
type gtp commands in a shell - it goes into self-training.

If I start like this:   ./mogo --nbThreads 2 
  It ALSO goes into self-training and gtp commands do not work.

> There is no "--7" option, nor a "--13" one. You should put a --9 or a --19.
> BTW, I am not sure this version can actually play in 7x7 (maybe, maybe
> not). For the 13x13, I guess the --19 is more appropriate.
> > If I go with no command line options, I can set any board using gtp
> > commands but I can't change the number of processes used.
> The number of processes can only set using --nbThreads x in the
> command line. It really does not work for you? That is puzzling!
> Sylvain
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