Christoph Birk wrote:
> On Tue, 4 Dec 2007, Chris Fant wrote:
>> MoGo.  But it seems that it hasn't been playing recently (anyway, you
>> would have had no idea of the settings and hardware used).  You could
>> play against it on your own hardware to understand it's strength
>> against a human, and let it get a CGOS rating using the same hardware
>> whenever you are not playing it.
> Yes, that would work.
> Some humans also could play on CGOS (just for a while) to establish
> a conversion from CGOS-ELO to human-ranks.
> Christoph

It would be awkward at best.   I could build a client to do this,  but
the human would have to be willing to sit and play games at the moment
they were scheduled.  

It would be better to get a handful of players to AGREE in advance to
play particular programs on KGS but under very CGOS like conditions
including the time control.     They should know in advance they are
part of the experiment and that they should not experiment but should
play full strength and not abandon the games or take-back moves, etc.

- Don

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