I just tried gtpdisplay and it worked the first time!    The only
problem is that I tried to make an illegal ko move.    

On linux, I just put gtpdisplay as the name of the program and it

It looks like it could also be used to watch your program play on CGOS, 
just provide a program name as an argument to the program.

I don't see any way to make it reject superko however - so you must take
care not to make a superko move. 

- Don

Christoph Birk wrote:
> On Tue, 4 Dec 2007, Don Dailey wrote:
>>> Yes, that would work.
>>> Some humans also could play on CGOS (just for a while) to establish
>>> a conversion from CGOS-ELO to human-ranks.
>> It would be awkward at best.   I could build a client to do this,  but
>> the human would have to be willing to sit and play games at the moment
>> they were scheduled.
>> It would be better to get a handful of players to AGREE in advance to
>> play particular programs on KGS but under very CGOS like conditions
>> including the time control.     They should know in advance they are
>> part of the experiment and that they should not experiment but should
>> play full strength and not abandon the games or take-back moves, etc.
> Yes, this would be better ... but will it happen?
> I quickly hacked my program to allow me to make moves
> and I am playing currently as test-3k (my AGA rating)
> (so much for 'C' beeing slow for prototyping :-)
> Christoph
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