On Thu, 2008-09-04 at 17:09 +0100, Nick Wedd wrote:
> As for "1 dan being a kind of holy grail":
> The Ing prize, worth over US$1,000,000, was for beating inseis, that
> is 
> trainee professionals, who would have a strength of around amateur 7
> dan 
> or maybe slightly below.  So "beating a [pro] 1-dan" became a target. 
> This has been misunderstood by some as "amateur 1-dan".

I never associated the Ing prize with this goal of achieving 1 dan.  

Probably any milestone easily expressed becomes a kind of "holy grail"
but I cannot read peoples minds.    In my own mind it seems to me that
most guns have been aimed at getting out of the beginner kyu ranks.  

But of course, as I mentioned, most of this cannot be pinned down
accurately.   At any point in time, I imagine that most people are
focused primarily on the next milestone.    If we reach 1d amateur,
surely the focus will shift to 1d professional, then beating the world
champion, etc.  

- Don

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