> Yes.  I use Sylvain's fpu and decrease it a little before starting a
> simulation, say, fpu *= 0.99.  This is very simple and fast.

Ok. Perhaps I'm wrong (I might misunderstand your solution and I might be
whenever I've understood :-) ); but
- I think that this does not avoid redundancies in the tree, if I understand
- also, even in a final node in a tree, it does not avoid redundancies for
  which have already been simulated.
- finally, in a final node in a tree and for moves which have not yet been
  it only avoid redundancies if 0.99 is sufficiently small.

Avoiding redundancies is very important in SMP parallelization. The limited
of MPI parallelization in 9x9  is also probably due to redundancies, but for
that we have no
good solution - whereas in 19x19 (or even 13x13), the speed-up of the MPI
parallelization is great (both
in our results and other published papers), in 9x9 it is limited.

Best regards,
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