Olivier Teytaud: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Yes.  I use Sylvain's fpu and decrease it a little before starting a
>> simulation, say, fpu *= 0.99.  This is very simple and fast.
>Ok. Perhaps I'm wrong (I might misunderstand your solution and I might be
>whenever I've understood :-) ); but
>- I think that this does not avoid redundancies in the tree, if I understand
>- also, even in a final node in a tree, it does not avoid redundancies for
>  which have already been simulated.
>- finally, in a final node in a tree and for moves which have not yet been
>  it only avoid redundancies if 0.99 is sufficiently small.

Perhaps yes.  I use _no_ pre-knowledge yet, ie, the initial value of 
fpu is a constant, 1.10.

>Avoiding redundancies is very important in SMP parallelization. The limited
>of MPI parallelization in 9x9  is also probably due to redundancies, but for
>that we have no
>good solution - whereas in 19x19 (or even 13x13), the speed-up of the MPI
>parallelization is great (both
>in our results and other published papers), in 9x9 it is limited.

Although I'm parallelizing in not SMP systems but a cluster of loosely 
coupled (small) computers connected through moderate speed networks 
using broadcasting positions, this may not change the vlaue of 
avoiding redundancies.  I'll study more when implementing 
pre-knowledge or some.  Thanks.

Best regards,

>Best regards,
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