On Fri, Jun 05, 2009 at 11:19:51AM -0400, Don Dailey wrote:
> When I complete the new server, I hope that it will be easier to collect
> larger samples of games.   I think this will help the situation a little.
> There will be multiple time controls, but they will be in sync, so that your
> program can always play in a shorter time control game without missing a
> game at the longer time control.    The idea is to keep your bot busy while
> waiting for future rounds.    You play in the longest time control, but when
> you are finished you can play fast games while waiting.   I will have 2 or 3
> levels of this,  I haven't decided yet.     If I have 3 levels, the slowest
> time control will probably need to be a little slower than CGOS uses now.

That sounds fine for those bots that have implemented time controls.
Simple-minded bots that just play a given number of simulations, or do other
things in (more or less) constant time will loose the too fast games straight
out. I suppose your server can ask the bot if it supports time controls, and
only then let it play fast games.

> I will also have a test mode for new bots.  The server itself will play test
> games with your bot while you debug it.

Good idea! I have used cgos to debug my half-finished bots before, and felt a
bit bad about wasting the time of more serious bots. 


Heikki Levanto   "In Murphy We Turst"     heikki (at) lsd (dot) dk

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