From: Don Dailey <dailey....@gmail.com>

> My basic observation is that over the several year period I have been in this 
> forum,  I have detected a huge amount of resistance to the idea that hardware 
> could have anything to do with computer go strength, despite the fact that it 
> keeps proving to be so.   The resistance is strong enough that we have to 
> explain it way when it happens, by saying things like we have hit a wall and 
> it won't happen any more thank goodness.    

You overrstate the "resistance" - it's not that anybody is saying hardware is 
irrelevant. In fact, did we not have a recent discussion over the merits of two 
different CPU variations? We've seen a fair number of multi-processor entrants 
at competitions, besides.

The questions is"how much does hardware matter?" So far, we have one data point 
to work with: David Fotland's excellent Many Faces of Go is "about one stone 
stronger" when it uses 32 cores instead of 2. That's nice to have, but if we 
extrapolate, a factor of 16 is 3 doublings or about 4.5 years, in terms of 
Moore's Law. It will only take 9*4.5,  roughly 40 years, to reach pro-level 

We don't have data from Mogo yet, but I wonder if they are seeing 2-3 stones 
improvement for their 3200-node version?

The less patient among us may wish to seek algorithmic improvements to bridge 
the gap a bit sooner. 

Got to be some reason for bright programmers and mathematicians to work on the 
problen, after all; otherwise we could just wait 40 years for Intel and AMD to 
deliver 32,768 cores on a single chip - or will it be a silicon wafer?

In other fields, algorithmic improvements have led multiple orders of magnitude 
improvement in running time. Humans manage to complete 30-minute games on a 
19x19 board, so we do have evidence that the game can be played well at such a 
speedy pace.

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