I'm not Remi, but I know a bit about Numenta. I gave a "lightning talk" at their workshop about a year and a half ago. A few people at Numenta are interested in using their software for Go, and I was working with one of them before my
heart problems stopped that work.

I do not think that they are all start-up hype, but their product is still short a few features that would be needed to play Go. Lately they have mostly been working on image recognition, and their proposed "prediction" module won't get up to release standards until they are even further along with the vision

The existing image modules could possibly be used for evaluation functions, but that seemed hard to me. I am willing to wait for the prediction module
that would more directly lead to move generation.


On 14, Oct 2009, at 9:03 AM, David Fotland wrote:

Remi, what do you think of Numenta http://www.numenta.com/, a startup that
is using feedforward/feedback networks to model learning and pattern
recognition in the neocortex. Does this approach make sense or is it just
startup hype?



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