Congratulations to the researchers!

On 27.01.2016 21:10, Michael Markefka wrote:
I really do hope that this also turns into a good analysis and
teaching tool for human player. That would be a fantastic benefit from
this advancement in computer Go.

The programs successful as computer players mostly rely on computation power for learning and decision-making. This can be used for teaching tools that do not need to provide text explanations and other reasoning to the human pupils: computer game opponent, life and death playing opponent, empirical winning percentages of patterns etc.

Currently such programs do not provide sophisticated explanations and reasoning about tactical decision-making, strategy and positional judgement fitting human players' / pupils' conceptual thinking.

If always correct teaching is not the aim (but if a computer teacher may err as much as a human teacher errs), in principle it should be possible to combine the successful means of using computation power with the reasonably accurate human descriptions of sophisticated explanations and reasoning. This requires implementation of expert system knowledge adapted from the best (the least ambiguous, the most often correct / applicable) descriptions of human-understandable go theory and further research in the latter.

robert jasiek
Computer-go mailing list

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