Come on, Mark. Maybe 2% is all the Mac visitors to Tony's site. The rest aren't interested in going there. That's his stats, not Apple's reality. Sounds like sour grapes.

I'm buying a new MacBook so I can run multiple OS's and do some artwork. My husband replaced his iBook with a Compaq because all he does is surf and do word processing, and he can get it for $200 after rebates. Neither of us have been to Tony's site with either computer to affect his stats.


"Snyder, Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Do you have any scintilla of fact to back this up?  Every statement
looks to be contrary to facts I have seen.

Mark Snyder
-----Original Message-----
That doesn't matter much though because Apple makes money on hardware,
not software. I'm sure they are very happy to sell macs that will
primarily run windows.

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