>The browser stats are just as interesting (IMO)
>So, even assuming unknown are all Mac, 2.11%
If you are making the decision for *your* site then your stats *may* be a 
good guide. But you also need to consider if:

1) The content of your site might just be unappealing to effeminate Mac 

2) It may be smarter to target who you want, rather than who you have.

3) Many Mac users set their browser to masquerade as Win IE to avoid 
brain-dead gatekeeper pages. So you may not bee seeing them.

3) A significant percentage of "vistors" to websites are from bots and 
crawlers looking to map your site or find vulnerabilities. While the 
legitimate ones will be using Xnix, the botnets will be using PCs. That 
will skew stats significantly. Your stats show too few crawlers so this 
is suspicious.

4) We don't know how accurate your detection is. Your browser stats look 
very skewed. Perhaps MS wrote your logging software?

>Which begs the question: how much time and money SHOULD
>a developer or business spend making their site easily
>usable to 'all' browsers?

If you make your site hostile to anyone not using Win IE you are creating 
a self-fulfilling situation. The share of non-MSIE browsers in the 
general population is about 25%. If you think that much of the market is 
insignificant you may be making a bad decision.

A good source of stats is marketshare.hitslink.com

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