I didn't research it fully having marginal interest in the facts...I am
cursed with a total recall memory...it was somewhere on the Yahoo! Homepage
in the tech news or business news

 ...the iPhone is gonna need interoperability (betwixt air vendors, I sure
ain'gonna pay $2/min when traveling outa the USA), 3g (not just gprs),
unlock (to do what they have done in Europe for years...you travel & stop in
a corner store & buy a sim with minutes you throw away or just call in your
credit card # to renew), a high degree of open source (like my BELOVED
razrV3 to which I have added quite a few improvements), & most of all, a
user replacable battery (jeez, what are they thinking?? For instance...my v3
came with a 750mAh battery which I promptly replaced with a 1900mAh
aftermarket battery which works perfectly). 

Further, the original v3 had volume issues with the ear speaker & with BT.
Outside programmers (hackers) provided access means to the "gain table"
which, when tweaked, gives good volume for both.

Shortly in my first year I scratched the case leading to sadness.  Motorola
wanted a lot of money to replace the case; don't even talk about Cingular.
I went on a website well known to everyone v3 oriented and ordered the OEM
parts furnished with clear illustrated instructions and even the needed torx
screwdriver & fixed it myself for a fraction of the cost.

Enterprising individuals, together with OperaMini to replace the horrible
internal WAP browser & many other Java software titles, have made my v3 a
pleasure to have and use!

A phone is not a prison!!  I will not get an iPhone until they settle many
if not most of those issues.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Piwowar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, July 29, 2007 12:36 PM
To: rlsimon
Subject: RE: Apple Posts Record Quarterly Profit

>But, I read somewhere the profit was from iPods & stuff, not iPhone
>which, "disappointed" ...their words!

Whenever you read something like that you should make a note of the 
author's name in your "works for Microsoft" list. The iPhone is just out 
a few weeks so profits should be $zero in last quarter's figures. With 
the high volume of sales and a price that is double the manufacturing 
cost Apple has a lot of wiggle room to adjust to market conditions if 
they need to.

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