I did not intend that you should go out and single handedly try to 
destroy the American economy. To the contrary, I was encouraging 
immediate consumption. The feature the current model lacks may not be as 
important as some think it is.

>I still watch my 1984 Sony 25" xbr set and my v3 fone purchased in early
>2005 and have, at present, no plans to replace it since it works fine with
>improvements to the firmware/software that I have installed and new case
>parts purchased and installed by yours truly as well.  I drove a 1984 Chev
>S10 Blazer until last summer when I got a Toyota even though the truck was
>still running.  My wife drove a 1987 VW Golf also still running when she
>gave it up (kicking&screaming) for a Jetta wagon around the same time.  She
>still gives me a hard time over that and claims she would like the previous
>car back.  Obsolescence is a myth; if the thing works for me, I don't melt
>with envy over a screen rotation scheme.  My v3 will show webpages in
>landscape via a hacked version of my favorite browser from Russia.  I hardly
>use it that way.  My windows95 TI TM4000m 20mb/3gb laptop was in constant
>use until I finally gave in a couple of years ago and got a refurb dell pIV2
>when the maxed ram on the laptop became stressful.  If it had the capacity
>for more ram, I might still be using it.  Conspicuous consumption!! Arrrgh!!

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