All this being said, Jeff...why the blank blank blank are you using
symantec?  Just curious...


On 7/29/07, Jeff Wright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > So objective. Compare a real response to a hypothetical and sing the
> > praises of what the hypothetical vendor might have done in some fantasy
> > situation.
> Are you still sniffing the iPhone glue?  These are both real situations,
> neither is hypothetical, so what is your point?
> > I have read many happy reports from Mac owners where Apple provided
> > service on the spot at the Apple store or air shipping a fixed machine
> > in
> > 48 hours.
> Bully for them; I would kill to get that response time from Apple.  Did
> any
> of them get support on-site at *their* business or did they all conform to
> Apple's "Schlep-it-Yourself" policy?
> > We have had recent reports on this List of Dell sending on-site techs
> > who
> > were totally clueless and unable to make even simple repairs. I read
> > recently how Dell dragged their feet on a repair until the warrenty
> > period ran out and then would not compelete the repair.
> Not my experience at all in over a decade of using Dell.  Dell has stood
> by
> every repair ever made for my .org and *never* dragged its feet.
> Just to make my point, the other day I spent 4 hours on the phone with a
> Dell support tech (who was located in Round Rock, TX, BTW) making sure
> that
> our tape autoloader wasn't the problem with our very slow backups, now
> that
> we upgraded to Backup Exec 11d.  The technician was patient, courteous and
> professional and ran every test possible just to rule out the possibility
> of
> it being the problem.  The problem is with Symantec, of course, but I
> wanted
> to have that on record.  Now, I get to go back to Symantec's support tech
> *again,* not located in this country.
> Not that I have a problem with that per se, but sometimes, you can cut the
> accent with a knife.
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