I took my iBook to the Apple Store today and they don't have a 'special tool' to fix the broken plug tip. However, at our Mac club meeting I got a terrific suggestion--dental tools. You know that scary looking narrow curved hook think that they use to clean between teeth? I'm calling my dentist tomorrow to see what kind of old tools he has that might remove the broken plug tip.

As for the online Apple store, the stock in the tag sale changes constantly. It took two weeks to get the black video iPod my husband wanted, at a super discount. If you don't get the item you want today, check back tomorrow several times. The Mac you want WILL appear in the list soon.

As for your broken headphone jack, you can use a USB Griffin iMic instead.


Thanks so much all for the advice on how to strike. I just missed a
colossal deal on a refurbished Apple last night--moved too slow, but
the locations you suggested I scan are very much appreciated. The
thought of having to be both patient and deliberate simultaneously
was at first a bit disconcerting.....but that's capitalism. And in a
funny way, even more like hunting. Right now I'm waiting in the
bushes for the next deal to raise it's head above the fray. Also
thanks to the other colleague who suggested globbing glue to the end
of a probe to yank out the plug. I'm going to leave things alone
right now to make sure I don't make things worse....my last set of
tinkering made it act real funny.

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