i think that to be incorrect.  the life of corporate individual is within the 
carried computer.

At 06:36 PM 7/7/2008, you wrote:
>On Jul 7, 2008, at 5:33 PM, Tom Piwowar wrote:
>>A Mac owner would not do this, but not so if you are lugging around a
>>misbehaving PC that some driod in IT decided you must have. I would  
>>make any effort to get it back. I would be thinking that I might get a
>>replacement that maybe, just maybe this time actually worked.
>  At 10,000 units per week, perhaps this may go a ways toward  
>explaining the market share enjoyed by Windows machines.  It is a  
>certified fact that virtually all business portables being lugged  
>through airports are Windows PCs, and probably only a corporate male  
>or female would actually just forget and then abandon a computer.
>  Steve
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