Still have two at my office.

Certain forms do not play well with computers yet.


At 01:27 PM 7/10/2008, you wrote:
Yes.  I must confess. I must relieve myself of this horrible burden.  I
cried when I tossed the typewriter!  I cried darnit.  It was like saying
goodbye to an old, dear, loyal friend.  The kind of a friend who never
let you down.  The kind of a friend who was always there for you.

I remember the event like it was yesterday....... It was the morning
after a dark and stormy night.  The sun rose early as it usually did,
the sun glistening off the damp streets like a desk lamp off of a custom
built PC with an aluminum case.  The dank smell of the morning hung in
the air like the smell of a Mac laptop, fresh out of the box.


Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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