Nonsense Tom.  You're reading far, far, far more into this than was
there.  You also, unfortunately, took my comment entirely out of

The 'derisive' comment was intimating what someone on the list might
say.  I wasn't necessarily stating my opinion, but trying to give others
an opportunity to chime in or have a few good laughs at both of us.  :-)

I also didn't realize Mac owners would be emotionally attached to their
computers.  In my job, I use both Macs and PCs (yeah, I know... I've
never 'fessed up that I'm a Mac person too).  But I don't feel any more
emotional attachment to the Macs that I use than I do to my PC.  I see
them both as work tools.  As I did with my typewriter back in the day
when I used that.  

I'm just sayin' this stuff 'cause I love your contributions Tommy! :-)

Larry :-D

-----Original Message-----
From: Computer Guys Discussion List
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Piwowar
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2008 4:46 PM
Subject: Re: [CGUYS] Where's my computer?

>"I thought Tom's recent post was even more derisive than normal.  It
>felt to me, as if it touched some sort of nerve with him."

My writing that Mac owners are more emotionally attached to their 
computers and therefore less likely to be careless with them was hardly 
inflammatory, unless one were already inclined to be inflamed.

My suggestion that Mac owners are more ardent seems to have touched a 

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