I'd stick with what you have going now, a true backup and then mirrored
drives.  I don't think anyone can say for sure that in a year a DVD will
still work, I have some from a couple years ago that are starting to error
out.  I think it partially has to do with the drive they were originally
burned on.  I've noticed that if I want them to work for sure, I need to
keep the drive I burned them on.   My wife has about 8500 photos of the
kids, to threat of a bloody end, I have all of them on three HD's and also
on a NAS my friend has at his house which I update about every month.
Paranoia of wife beatings is the best motivation.


On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 3:10 PM, Larry Sacks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >Photos are usually best archived to DVD. But if you've got 200gb of
> >archival photos it would take a month to burn all that.
> >
> Yeah... I've looked into DVDs for backups.  When I first started the
> biz, I used CDs for backup - one in my desk, the other into my safe
> deposit box but that's gotten somewhat full, plus it's a hassle having
> to go to the bank every few weeks.
> >Question 1: Is that entire 200G archival photos? I know you shoot huge
> >raw files for a given project, but after you pick out a few keepers
> >and save them as jpgs or something, then it's time to delete the bulk
> >of the raw stuff.
> Most of the photos are jpgs.  Some are the original 'raw' format, but
> that's on a job-by-job basis.  Figure 95% are jpgs and those have been
> sorted through so the non-keepers are not kept.
> >Otherwise, you may be a good candidate to early adopt blu-ray. Burners
> >are maybe $300, blanks ~$15, and they can hold ~25gb.
> I was considering that.  One concern is longevity - will whatever format
> (or media) I use will available upwards of 10 years down the road.
> >Never use the words "hard drive" and "archival" in the same sentence.
> I usually try not to but it seemed to fit.
> >Hard drives can and do fail suddenly and without warning.
> See my comment about my 1+ year old hard drive dying (the one that's
> part of the RAID).  That's why I don't trust "just" one hard drive.  I
> want to be sure I've got a backup to my backup (and quite possibly a
> backup to that).
> On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 3:03 PM, Larry Sacks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Not to jump into the RAID vs No-RAID fray...  but I seek a relatively
> > easily managed data backup solution.  I've got a photography business
> > and am trying to keep photos from various shoots around.  At this
> point,
> > I'm mostly looking for the hardware answer.  I'll worry about the
> > software side of things down the road.
> >
> > I'm open to suggestions for data backup?  I can't (or won't) rely on
> > just 1 hard drive.  DVD backups are a possibility, as are CD.
> >
> > I'm currently using about 200 or so gb disk space.
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