My own recent experience with Jungle Disk and the boss's laptop full
of unedited family pictures has not been without trouble.

First, some people just don't have the dedication to process any of
these pictures. Upon investigation, I found folder after folder full
of huge pics of really dumb stuff like the dog in 30 poses, etc. etc.

So that meant the initial backup would take some 24 hours on her DSL.
Okay, if it went without a hitch. But it didn't. I don't know whether
to blame JD or S3, but I had no choice but to tell her to offload all
that crap to DVDs. She won't, but she also won't miss 99.9% of those
pics when the laptop dies.

On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 4:30 PM, P Yasuda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For photos, consider storage in the cloud. allows unlimited
> photo storage for an annual fee. There are also paid versions of Google's
> Picasa that provide large amounts of storage. The disadvantage is that it
> will take a really long time to upload (or download) 200 GB, but keeping it
> updated is not so bad, and it's one of the few solutions that protects you
> in event of a disaster like fire, flood or tornado.
> Smugmug has some other features of interest to professionals.
> Jungledisk, which uses Amazon S3 on line storage, lets you store more than
> just photos.

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