Yes, and it can be had for less than $8,000. Peanuts in the broadcast
budget. See product notes below signature. Most stations already have
this but use it for other things.

Richard P.

Leitch Technology has introduced the X75 HD, a versatile up-, down-
and cross converter and HD frame synchronizer.

The X75 HD features extensive video and audio processing capabilities
in a 1RU package.

Video processing features include level/color control; optional 3-D
adaptive color decoding with time base correction; optional noise
reduction; frame synchronization; and up- and down-conversion with
aspect ratio conversion for hybrid standard - and HD facilities.

The X75 HD's 16 channels of internal audio processing include timing
with video for lip sync corrections; level control; analog-to-digital
and digital-to-analog conversion; and embedding and de-embedding for
SDI and HD-SDI serial digital signals for interfacing any audio signal
in a professional environment.

>> FYI, there's a simple piece of commercial equipment in use today to
>> adjust for lip sync errors. All it requires is someone to input the
>> signal into it, adjust it, and then monitor the output. Master control
>> at the final broadcast point could do this if directed to. That would
>> take care the simple stuff like a live program. The networks do this
>> all the time when their anchors are on remotes. It just takes someone
>> to make that decision to do it and an operator that cares enough to
>> monitor it.
>  I am sure you are correct.  Heck, even my component DVD player has a means
> of correcting for audio sync in some instances.  Surely these mega-million
> dollar digital TV transmission facilities can do the same thing.
>  Steve

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