> Yeah, I can see why everyone would be incredulous. It sounds like 10X
> the work to produce what you perceive is a little convenience. Get a
> Gmail account and you can just use any browser *anywhere* to access
> these records and compose documents. No Word needed, and no worries
> about backing up the data. You only need to run one program (any
> browser), not two as you're doing now.
> I imagine if you ever travel you would already have thought of this
> though. Home-bound email clients are so ... passé.

Keeping everything online and expecting it to always be there is foolhardy. I spent years putting up with remote servers and wasting hours, days, weeks, when the servers were down, or worse, when the servers crashed and lost data, or disappeared completely. I had to use applications online, again wasting precious time and losing data. Of course, I got a lot of free time that way, listened to a lot of music, walked around, hung out with other employees who also couldn't do anything without the network.

The only practical way to deal with email and other critical data, as well as applications, is having them in multiple locations with frequent backups. That way, when [not if] one is down, the others will be available. I will never rely on only one online service, even one as big as GMail. Even the huge ones disappear overnight without warning. In the thirty years I've used computers, I have never trusted them to absolutely be there when I need them the most--local or remote.

Online-only is dangerous to business.


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