I agree that is a major problem there. I heard one analyst today on CSPAN Book TV say that we would be lucky if we could drag that country out of the 17th century into the 19th<G>

Same analyst made your point and also included the western provinces of Pakistan which are also not under the control of the Pakistani government.

Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote:
If I understand correctly Afghanistan is much more tribal than Iraq, and has a very weak central government.


At 07:40 PM 1/31/2009, you wrote:
I see big differences in many areas, but I was referring to the policies toward the ending of the war in Iraq and the growing conflict in Afghanistan and Pakistan. I realize its been only a week plus, but Obama hasn't said anything about changing the Status of Forces agreement that Bush negotiated with Iraq to have all troops out of combat in a year, and out of the country in 2011. Fairly close to Obama's position. As for Afghanistan and Pakistan, Obama has said that is the primary battleground in the war on terrorism. In fact, I worry that he would redeploy all those soldiers from Iraq to Afghanistan, as he said he would do, as that would be a real quagmire; just ask the British and Russians.

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace www.princeofpeaceozark.org
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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