That is a problem in many of those countries. Trying tog et them at least a century or two beyond where they are today.

What countries?  Afghanistan has a central government with a
Taliban and Al-Qaida insurgency problem.  That many of the
insurgents are led by what we'd consider warlords doesn't go
to say that the joint is feudal.  It ain't even remotely close to that.

In the case of the Northern Alliance they recognize the central government. That could be construed as feudalism but it isn't
actually since theoretically everybody gets a vote.

At this point it isn't even a failed state as the NATO Alliance is
propping it up.  Yes the place is a dump, uh I mean fixer-upper.
Prior to the Soviet incursion it was actually up and running for a
while as I recall.

Yes it is mostly a traditional Islamic country, that's what helped
the Taliban seize power after the Soviets left.  That created the
environment that allowed Al-Qaeda to flourish.  But feudal it

Disorganized is a better characterization IMHO.

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