That is a problem in many of those countries. Trying tog et them at least a century or two beyond where they are today.

Most of them are little more than Feudal Lord mentality. The Lord's love that as it keeps them in power. The people under them are somewhat clueless as the Feudal Lord loves to keep them that way.

That means Woman's rights are no where near on the radar, and technology is something the Lord's keep to themselves less the resident find out it does not have to be this way.


At 08:40 PM 1/31/2009, you wrote:
I agree that is a major problem there. I heard one analyst today on CSPAN Book TV say that we would be lucky if we could drag that country out of the 17th century into the 19th<G>

Same analyst made your point and also included the western provinces of Pakistan which are also not under the control of the Pakistani government.

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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