On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 7:44 PM, Chris Dunford <seed...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >  When I started college they issued us an ID number which was sort of
> > alphabetical derived.  About halfway through they changed the ID number
> to
> > our SSN
> Out of curiosity, how long ago was this? A lot of organizations that at one
> time used SSNs for IDs have stopped doing so. My Blue Cross ID, for example,
> used to be my SSN, but they changed it maybe
> four or five years ago for privacy reasons.

I started in college 1979 and they changed to SSNs a couple of years later.
I would hope they have changed back since then.  I knew it was a bad idea

VA has changed drivers license numbers to it's own number.  I had a clinic
ask for my SSN last week.

John Duncan Yoyo

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