Something else happened a couple months ago and maybe they are related.
A .DS_Store file started appearing. I've read about what it does, but I don't know why it started appearing.
I just did a verify disk and everything seem to be OK.

I'll try the iTunes rebuild.


t.piwowar wrote:
On Jul 26, 2009, at 12:56 PM, Jordan wrote:
In iTunes Library.xml dates and times are there.

I presume you mean the Date Added and Date Modified are in the xml file.

You can force the iTunes Library file to be rebuilt from the iTunes Library.xml file. Maybe that will give you what you need.

Note that I have never had to do this myself. This is supposed to be the procedure...
First quit iTunes.
Then backup copy the iTunes Library and iTunes Library.xml files.
Then create an empty text file, name it iTunes Library and put it where iTunes Library was.
Start iTunes and let it rebuild your "corrupt" iTunes Library file.


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