Perhaps I'll trash iTunes and it's support files and start over.
There are 3 iPods I serve with this iTunes, but they are totally stocked. Then I can add to library or import as needed. I keep my audio files well organized. Everything except the last year is also on my iMac running iTunes 7 and Tiger.

t.piwowar wrote:
On Jul 26, 2009, at 9:37 AM, Jordan wrote:
OK iTunes fans, I've got a question for you.
I've got my audio tracks showing in a list and Date Added and Date Modified are headings in the list. But of the 11047 "songs" in the list, there is not 1 date shown in those columns.

iTunes stores this in a binary file called iTunes Library. It also writes out a duplicate of this information into iTunes Library.xml.

Are the modify dates of these 2 files what you would expect?

Do you see the missing dates in iTunes Library.xml?

Are your file permissions okay?

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