Just wondering, why do you want to know added and mod dates?  I've never
shown either of these columns in itunes, but today I did.  Date added of
course is the date added to itunes..but date mod is the date my system
modified the file, not itunes.  Seems odd.

On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 6:37 AM, Jordan <jor17...@gmail.com> wrote:

> OK iTunes fans, I've got a question for you.
> I've got my audio tracks showing in a list and Date Added and Date Modified
> are headings in the list. But of the 11047 "songs" in the list, there is not
> 1 date shown in those columns.  Some have been in iTunes for years, and some
> were added in recent months. The files in Finder show dates, so it's not
> like the info is not there.
> I found this question asked in the Apple discussions forum from Dec. 2008
> and there are no answers.
> OS X 10.5.7, iTunes 8.0.2
> Any suggestions?
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