I think part of the reason the Mac gets taken first in PWN to OWN is that it
is the only one worth the effort.

On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 11:10 AM, mike <xha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Right...that's why OS X gets taken out every time first time at the pwn to
> own.  I know actual results and facts and stuff confudle you, but keep
> trying.
> On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 8:00 AM, TPiwowar <t...@tjpa.com> wrote:
> > On Jul 31, 2009, at 4:41 PM, mike wrote:
> >
> >> Too true.  Marketshare in itself does not imply security or lack of.
>  But
> >> logic does seem to dictate that those who go after the insecure OS's go
> >> after the one with larger marketshare since they don't seem to go after
> >> the
> >> one with smaller marketshare which has been proven to be no more secure.
> >>  As
> >> has been said time and time again, OS X is security by obscurity, not by
> >> design.  But the end result for the user is more security just the same.
> >>
> >
> > 1) Why go for the unlikely explanation and tortuous logic when there is a
> > direct and simple explanation?
> >
> > People find potential problems in all operating systems and manufacturers
> > issue patches all the time. Potential is not actual. If you can't tell
> the
> > difference you are living in fantasy land. Meanwhile, Windows gets
> > compromised all the time and there are hundreds of real exploits in the
> > wild. As I mentioned earlier, the "I Love You" virus was huge and it was
> > written by a student taking his first programming course. It takes not
> > genius to do this. Windows is exploited a lot because it is so easy.
> >
> > 2) You do your cause no credit by spouting untruths.
> >
> > Much of the Mac OS is open source UNIX. Apple's browser, Safari, is
> > open-source WebKit. Apache is open source. MySQL is open source. Etc.
> Etc.
> > Macs come loaded with open source software. It is not "security by
> > obscurity" it is security by good engineering.
> >
> > I was just reading in Politico about the con/neocon "birthers" and I
> could
> > not help making the connection with the false debating tactics and
> > obfuscations the WFBs spread in this List. Politico called it "no-nothing
> > evasion" and "seeking shelter... behind rhetorical figments." I could not
> > have said it better.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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John Duncan Yoyo

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