I don't care what Gartner says if APPLE posts differently to the Feds (SEC)
and signs on that it is accurate.  I doubt Apple execs want to go to jail.
Gartner will not go to jail if it provides wrong information.

Eschew Obfuscation

This is a reply from: 
Roy A. Ackerman, Ph.D., E.A. 
                              Financial, Managerial, and Technical Services
for the Professional, Non-Profit, and the Entrepreneurial Organization

                              703.548.1343 voice 
                              703.783.1340 fax 

>From thinking to doing, from sales to profits, from tax to investments- we
are YOUR adjuvancy

-----Original Message-----
From: Computer Guys Discussion List [mailto:computerguy...@listserv.aol.com]
On Behalf Of TPiwowar
Sent: 07/31/2009 3:51 PM
Subject: Re: [CGUYS] Well-thought analysis of MSFT ...MORE

On Jul 31, 2009, at 9:19 AM, Roy A. Ackerman, Ph.D., E.A. wrote:
> And, let us not be so smug- the reports over the past two days of
> significant security failures in Macs, iPhones, and iPods means  
> that as
> Apple market share augments, its desirability as a target and its  
> inherent
> flaws will force the (heretofore smug) users of these devices to  
> update and
> add security (antivirus, antispam, and personal security firewalls) to
> preclude the loss/damage of private information.
> Eschew Obfuscation

Looks like a case of "Obfuscation" to me.

What "security failures." Should you truthfully be calling it  
"discovery of potential flaws?" It ain't a "security failure" if it  
hasn't been exploited and it hasn't. Just like you are potentially  
deceased, but I'm sure you don't want us to consider you dead. By  
your faulty logic we are all dead already.

> ...as Apple market share augments, its desirability as a target...

This is more faulty logic. Products with large market shares do not  
have to be defective. You use one company, M$, as your model and come  
up with wild assertions. You are not thinking straight.

> the (heretofore smug) users

"Smug" carries too much baggage to be accurate. "Smug" implies  
excessive pride. Mac users pride is hard earned and based on real  
achievement. Only someone with an excessive Windows inferiority  
complex would use the word "smug."

Speaking of having an excessive Windows inferiority complex, did you  
catch the Ballmer anti-Apple tirade...

"Share versus Apple, you know, we think we may have ticked up a  
little tick, but when you get right down to it, it's a rounding  
error," he said. "Apple's share change, plus or minus from ours, they  
took a little share a couple quarters, we took share back a couple  
quarters. But Apple's share globally cost us nothing. Now, hopefully,  
we will take share back from Apple, but you know, Apple still only  
sells about 10 million PCs, so it is a limited opportunity."

*** Shipments of Apple's Mac PCs rose 4 percent in the June quarter,  
while the global PC market shrank 5 percent, according to Gartner. ***

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