On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 10:22 AM, TPiwowar <t...@tjpa.com> wrote:

I've read that M$ is giving away loads of Zune HDs to industry bloggers and
writers. That will no doubt generate lots of sycophantic stories for you to
quote. Proving nothing.

Quoting mike <xha...@gmail.com>:

It's nice to know you've already decided to not believe any reviews of the
product, makes it so you won't have to read any...not that you would, or
even touch the device once it is out.  This makes life so easy on you I
imagine..no actual thought needed.  Fits your MO.

Check that pal! He's already decided to not believe any *positive* reviews of the Zune. Negative reviews will be spewed forth with reckless abandon to prove his point.

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