> An you have the temerity to accuse me of having a reality distortion
> field? Your beloved M$ is moving in a clockwise direction in the
> Southern Hemisphere, and in a counterclockwise direction in the
> Northern Hemisphere.

Yes, I do, and it's at full power right now.

Name one instance where MS was "first" with something.  I'll wait.

> The future belongs to Apple, Google, Amazon, and possibly the
> revitalized Palm.

The near future belongs to Google, MS and Linux to a certain degree.  Apple
certainly has a god deal of success with the mobile market right now, but it
still has to overcome Blackberry, which is still outselling it and at equal
revenue.  The rest of the market is closing in.  Whether or not the future
belongs to them remains to be seen. 

> Proving nothing. 

Herr Doctor's default setting.

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