TPiwowar wrote:
On Aug 8, 2009, at 11:17 AM, Jordan wrote:
That said, I'm happy with a regular iPod and the simplest of phones. I can ooo and aaah over the latest iGadgets and Palms without really wanting one.
I also don't have chunks of time, like a commute, where I could use one.

Me too, but it is getting harder and harder to resist. As a city person I'm totally in awe of the new geo-location features. In the past I have spent so many hours pouring over maps and transit schedules. To me this is a killer feature. I imagine being able to fly into a foreign city with almost no preparation. I can be sitting on the Spanish Steps and ask my iPod how to get to the Castel Sant'Angelo and it will tell me where to stand to get the bus that will be there in 5 minutes. This is awesome.

I understand and totally agree. If you live in or travel to an urban environment a GPS device would be great, and hard to resist. I live in the country and avoid urban areas. And I rarely travel without my car. There's no public transport to speak of where I live or where I travel to. If I were you I would have one. And as much as I love maps, I'd probably get one if I were going to spend much time in a city or cities I don't know.

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