How often do you hear about viruses on winmo?

It's not a theory that OS X is as susceptible to viruses and trojans as
windows, it's proven.  It's only holdout MFBs that have a hard time with

On Sun, Aug 9, 2009 at 9:49 AM, TPiwowar <> wrote:

> On Aug 9, 2009, at 11:03 AM, Wayne Dernoncourt wrote:
>> Now it looks like places have switched WRT the phone markets.  In
>> the desktop/laptop markets, MS had most of the headaches.  In the
>> phone markets, it now looks like Apple has that role (the hack from
>> BlackHat with SMS messages taking over your phone).  Someone else
>> found a similiar vulnerability with WM phones, but it does seem
>> like the iPhone market has become a big target for the bad guys.
> This is a good scientific experiment to test the claim that Windows has so
> many viruses infecting it only because it is so popular.
> My take is that Windows has so many viruses infecting it because it is
> poorly engineered.
> If you check the Wild List you will see that there are 100s of active,
> circulating viruses that can attack Windows and we have to add anti-virus
> software to watch for them.
> For the iPhone (which runs a variant of OS X) we have had a few
> vulnerabilities discovered which Apple has quickly fixed. There are no
> active viruses circulating in the wild. There never have been.
> So can we put the attacked due to popularity myth down now?
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