On Aug 8, 2009, at 10:11 AM, Jeff Wright wrote:
Palm, Sony, IBM, Apple, Xerox, etc. Being first isn't first is no guarantee of being the last man standing. All of these companies were innovative, all
had a dominant lock on their market and all were soon surpassed by
competitors with better products. In fact, if recent history is our guide, being first with a successful, standard setting product is a high order of
probability that you will be the first to drop as the market matures.

An you have the temerity to accuse me of having a reality distortion field? Your beloved M$ is moving in a clockwise direction in the Southern Hemisphere, and in a counterclockwise direction in the Northern Hemisphere.

The future belongs to Apple, Google, Amazon, and possibly the revitalized Palm.

Can M$ turn things around by copying other's successes and bringing them to market two years late? There was a time when they could, but the Netscape case made their methods public and now much less effective. I don't think the dirty tricks of old will win the day for M$.

I've read that M$ is giving away loads of Zune HDs to industry bloggers and writers. That will no doubt generate lots of sycophantic stories for you to quote. Proving nothing.

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