On Aug 16, 2009, at 1:18 PM, Eric S. Sande wrote:
It would be good to see what you object to specifically with Zune,
not that I generally care about mass market crap, anyway.

Someone else said it, but I will repeat it once again because it is so brilliantly succinct...
"M$ is skating to where the puck was, not where it will be."

Is this too difficult a concept for WFBs to wrap their brains around? Do they know nothing about hockey?

If M$ were to price this poor, belated copy of somebody else's work at $99 it might have some merit, just for being cheap. Priced as it is, one might as well buy a refurb of the real thing.

The Zune HD 16GB will sell for $219
$159 Refurbished iPod touch, 8GB (first generation). Apple Certified. 1-year warranty. Free shipping. $279 Refurbished iPod touch, 32GB (first generation). Apple Certified. 1-year warranty. Free shipping.

I'm waiting with great interest to see what Apple will roll out about the same time that the Zune HD is supposed to go on sale. I'm sure it will be far more interesting. It won't be a copy of somebody else's work.

Why are you wasting your time defending such mediocrity?

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