On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 4:15 PM, TPiwowar<t...@tjpa.com> wrote:
> On Aug 16, 2009, at 3:51 PM, Eric S. Sande wrote:
>> But I'm pretty experienced and I can tell if what I'm hearing is a pony
>> versus a pile of pony crap.
> Are you denigrating MP3 or iPods? Have you listened to an Apple lossless
> file on an iPod?
> "Apple's lossless compression makes iTunes an audiophile's delight "
> "I tested Apple Lossless Encoding using some of my favorite audiophile CDs,
> including a few from Reference Recordings, maker of some of the
> highest-quality CDs I've ever heard. I heard absolutely no difference in the
> sound of the CD vs. the sound of the iTunes compressed version using Apple
> Lossless Encoding. "

  The only problem I have with this article, and I think it is a big
problem, is that the author did not say what kind of sound system he
used to make the comparisons.  If he was only using small speakers
attached to his computer, or worse yet, the built-in speakers, I am
sure he would be very hard pressed to detect any differences even if
they were actually there.  Were he using an audiophile quality system
to make his comparisons, and had so stated that, I could give his
article more credence.  I am sure that Apple's Lossless Encoding is
far better than MP3, but the author leaves me guessing.


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