They bring their guns to those events not for protection - there are
plenty of police at these functions - but rather to convey a veiled
threat of death to those who oppose their views.  Note than some of
them carry a sign that harkens back to the Revolutionary War about >how the tree of liberty is watered in part by the blood of tyrants.

One interpretation.  Like it or not, this country still has freedom of
expression and (in some places) the right to bear arms.

I'm not sure a health care debate is the right place to carry a rifle,

Their point is that the government exists only by the consent of the
governed.  Of the people, by the people, and for the people.  And
that the powers of government can be rescinded if necessary by an
armed populace.

Nobody that I know of argues that the current system isn't badly
in need of repair.  At least the debate has brought the elected
representatives out of the woodwork and allowed them to present
themselves to their constituencies on a highly visible stage.

Sometimes it IS necessary to send a message to remind the powerful
that they are not all that.

Pfizer can pay a $2.3B fine and it's just the cost of doing business.

Something is rotten in Denmark, here, folks.

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