And I thought this public option health care system was just going to cost us $. What was I thinking? If we pass the health care plan will we all have to convert to satanism as well?

Jeff Miles

Join my Mafia

On Sep 7, 2009, at 10:26 AM, Steve at Verizon wrote:

My point is that for Cubans, they pay a very high price for their "free" medical care, and that is a totalitarian government, human rights abuse, no free press, jails full of political prisoners, required listening to 5 hour speeches by Fidel (before his illness). And even their mass production of doctors is not purely a humanitarian gesture; they are used as an export commodity. Witness the 100s of doctors sent to Venezuela in exchange for her oil.

We are in agreement that many of the most talented, be they pitchers or doctors or architects (my sister's galfriend's ex-Cuban husband) prefer to be compensated accordingly. Thank god that there are some altruistic physicians (worldwide, not just Cuba), who forgo high salaries for religious or political reasons to support their communities, as they are needed there, but this should be a choice of the individual not the state. wrote:
On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 12:21 PM, Steve at Verizon< > wrote:

Then why are Cuban doctors fleeing to the US? See this article from the NYT.

 For the money, primarily.  Also, for a higher overall standard of
living or because they do not support the government there or they
have relatives inthe U.S.

 Cuba has some of the best baseball teams and players as well, but
just because they are some of the best does not mean that they will
not try to leave for the United States where they can make a lot of
money and live far higher on the hog, so to speak.

 Please do not attempt to make the case that because some Cuban
doctors want to leave that island that it somehow implies that the
Cuban medical system is some giant dysfunctional mess and a failure.
Wealthy Americans routinely seek to move their assets offshore, out of
the country, but that does not mean that the financial system of the
United States is some abysmal failure.


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